Monday, August 5, 2013


I never usually have a hard time writing down my thoughts or expressing them. But today, I am having trouble. The past two weeks I have gotten a taste of life in Kenya. I have seen injustice. I have seen poverty. I have seen sickness. I have also seen redemption, joy, and dependence on Jesus in an amazing way. My mind still feels jumbled as I try to process where to go from here and what Jesus has called me to in response. My mind feels like it is straddling the Atlantic with a foot in Pennsylvania and another in Kitale. I long for this trip to not be a distant memory or just an amazing experience, but instead, a catalyst for change. I long to see change in my life, in my family, and in my community because of all that I was privileged to experience. For now, I'm taking it one day at a time until I find my words again.

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