Thursday, August 2, 2012

what we've been up to

business casual wednesdays

hanging out on mom's bed

reading to mommy

watching daddy play softball


dogs too

bike riding inside
bike riding- outside

getting "hollipops" for going potty outside

going to mommy's doctors appts

visiting mimi and pop-pop

spending as much time with our friend as we can before the big move

taking pictures "by himself" 

falling asleep on daddy

working on his swing

"ooking for birdies"

falling asleep in the car. almost daily

swinging like a big kid

playing with cars

We've had such a busy month. Weddings. Trips to Pittsburgh. Pool days. Park days. And heat wave after heat wave. Everett's been such a good sport. Hanging out at home with me when I'm feeling too tired to go somewhere and up for adventures and errands when we have to run them. We're hitting the homestretch of the pregnancy. Six weeks until baby two. I'm soaking up every day with my sweet boy because I get the feeling that August will fly by just as fast as July did.

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